The Hawai`i Access to Justice Commission received a grant from the ABA Center for Access to Justice Initiatives, which allowed the Commission to work on the enhancement of language services for self-represented litigants. A brochure was developed that explains how to request an interpreter and provides tips on … [read more]
The Hawai`i Access to Justice Commission sponsored a community briefing at the Farrington High School Cafeteria on Thursday night, November 14, 2013, with Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald of the Hawai`i Supreme Court and Associate Judge Daniel R. Foley, Intermediate Court of Appeals, Chair of the Access to Justice Commission. … [read more]
On Thursday, October 24, 2013, the student essay award recipients and outstanding pro bono attorneys were honored at the 2013 Pro Bono Celebration sponsored by the Hawai`i Access to Justice Commission and the Hawai`i State Bar Association held at the Hawai`i Supreme Court Courtroom in Honolulu. The essay contest entitled … [read more]
2013 HAWAII ACCESS TO JUSTICE CONFERENCE AND JUSTICE FOR ALL? More than 260 people attended the 2013 Access to Justice Conference on Friday, June 21 at the William S. Richardson School of Law at the University of Hawaii. The theme for the fifth annual conference sponsored by the Hawaii … [read more]