The Hawai`i Access to Justice Commission sponsored a community briefing at the Farrington High School Cafeteria on Thursday night, November 14, 2013, with Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald of the Hawai`i Supreme Court and Associate Judge Daniel R. Foley, Intermediate Court of Appeals, Chair of the Access to Justice Commission. Chief Justice Recktenwald discussed the Judiciary’s efforts toward improving access to the judicial system, including self-help centers state-wide. “Our civil legal system provides justice for all, but it is compromised if one cannot meaningfully participate,” said Chief Justice Recktenwald. He explained that the self-help centers provide access to the courts and that lawyers volunteer their time to help people understand the basics so they can navigate through the legal system. Judge Foley explained the Commission’s role and its various initiatives. He explained that the Commission is a collaboration of lawyers, legislators, judiciary, and legal service providers in one purpose: to provide equal access to justice.
The following representatives also made presentations and met individually with interested members of the community: Michelle Acosta of Volunteer Legal Services Hawaii; Ned Busch for The Mediation Center of the Pacific; Louis Erteschik of Hawaii Disability Rights Center; Victor Geminiani of the Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice; and Ryker Wada of Legal Aid Society of Hawaii.